As we go into the new year my theme for the year is ‘believe’. Believe means for me that each of us is already enough to be successful. Don’t let your fears, views of others and negativity about yourself drown out your talent. Just believe that in everything you want to do you will be successful it is just a question of when. It might take a while, but all it needs is creativity, trying things out and sticking at it. Believe also means to me, ‘be alive!’ Life is uncertain and too short, believe that and don’t waste time: be alive!

Research suggests we have eight basic emotions; 5 are survival emotions, 1 is surprise/startle and 2 are attachment emotions (excitement/joy and love/trust). We also live in social hierarchies and naturally create boundaries and territories. That is why when change is talked about at work it naturally creates fear which if handled incorrectly creates resistance and disharmony.

The most important resource of all is resourcefulness. Resourcefulness helps you find a way when the resources are lacking. Resourcefulness includes creativity, resilience, love, passion, dedication, discipline, focus, self belief to name but a few. Most businesses were born with a belief or idea.